
Placement Programme

In addition to traineeship programmes, we offer holiday placements with pay to top students. The participants are selected in a competition or through the process of recruitment. The placements are either part of in-house initiatives (see: Summer School of Management) or of programmes run in conjunction with universities or student organisations.

Our Company participates annually in:

· Best with the Best competition organised by the Career Centre of the Catholic University of Lublin;

· AIESEC Case Study organised by AIESEC Polska.

In 2007, we expanded our offer for students by adding the Manager’s Shadow programme.

For detailed information on the various programmes see the respective host websites.

The work of each placement participant over the placement assignment is overseen by a single supervisor.

While on placement, the participants have the opportunity to identify and develop their professional and personal skills, including the ability to analyse and assess the situation as well as to suggest solutions, the ability to work individually and in a team, the ability to work on a project, communication skills, work management.

Annually, our Company provides some 20 monthly placements in various departments.
Many graduates start their professional careers with us upon completion of their university instruction.